weightlessness and consciousness

attempting to pen down the only feeling so surreal, I often think I will never be able to express through words. To be swimming. the previous blog covered bits and pieces of this too-much-to-express awareness of a kind. All the senses known, stimulating everything unknown. The truest form of prayer to me has been the play of photographing. Whereas to be in the water, feels like instant nirvana. The space between being and leaving, a form of zen, shanti, moksha, of feeling the feeling of feeling nothing and everything at the same time. A higher state of consciousness, activating all your senses. Being entirely with the sound of a vacuum and repeating grace of your movements. With open and closed eyes, both have their own set of feelings that come to a realization. To see underwater (without the glasses) and seeing light reveal its subtlety and delicacy, a softness to it which gives the blue its blue. Above the water, seeing turns into awareness. Closed eyes disclosing the colors of consciousness.

Weightless body, aligned spirit and a mind full of nothing opening your heart to its loudest potential in the quietest way.

I wouldn’t call the water high a type of trance. that’s a very rough choice of word to use here. it can not be called enchantment either, for you are so alive and aware of your being and feeling, it’s hard to think any of it is subconscious or out of your own doing or control. A heightened awareness with complete focus leaving you in a mindful space, a meditative dance and a stillness so distinct you can barely think.

The high which is so overly chased in all cultures and places, by all kinds of people, can not come close to this state of being. Unaltered and truly present. In no way is this a psychoanalytical statement, but a very personal observation, drawn from multiple experiences which could be called experiments.

The diving force that pushes you in when turned inward can feel like it possibly unblocks and aligns all the seven chakras at once. The floating and seeing of sky above feels like space and direction stand meaningless to be defined. The act of swimming seizes all thought and with each stroke turns time realer than it is.

Feeling the water on your skin with committed focus can feel like you have just begun to know what sensation truly is. Hearing the sound of that water void changes your perception of the ability to hear and the meaning of sound. The constant in and out shifting your total state of consciousness. You become aware of breathing as a cycle.

A dhun is what you approach with immense faith, fierce presence and divine honor. Bringing all of that together out of time and space to me is being in water.


Endless waves of maya