How are you fueling inspiration and why that matters

What inspires you as an artist directly influences your personal growth. The art and the artist can not be separated. Fueling inspiration through any and all directions should and ideally will, change you as a person if not heavily affect your art to the point of recreation.

Literature, poetry, music, conversations and real life stories, nature, cinema, philosophical influences, travels, something as mundane as dead leaves and as intense as a whole countercultural movement, all hold the unfathomable power to shift your perspective, destruct and rebuild your belief systems and generate ideas beyond your own world.

To embody and to become is essential. Although, being careful about not loosing yourself in these universes is important if you ever wish to find your own voice as an artist. The strength of imagination could help you find that voice and mute it at the same time. I believe, it all depends on the level of sensitivity you hold.

Sensitivity, receptivity, understanding and perception are the wheels your journey drives on. To regulate each of these determines what you do with the source of your inspiration and what it eventually does to you.

If your early influences are deep rooted and you have walked a long way with the medium of your expression, or art, at some point you might want to uproot those. At some point you might, and as I understand, you will certainly wish to find your own philosophy. Your own theory. To define your own understanding of art and leave all else to what they are, inspiration.

Motivation on the other hand is entirely an individual command. It dries away, at some given point. Or not. But inspiration has long lasting effects, one that might haunt you for the rest of your journey, fade away, disassociate, and come back at any given point. If it has reached far within your system.

To let it come back in different forms, let it unfold itself in various understandings or to move on from it to create and find your own is completely your own decision. How you channel it is up to your intuitive guidance and actionable plans. More than anything, your own heart. The main source of any creation.


The Lab


Walking through the cultural diversity